Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thing Four!

       Commenting helps create a sense of community and interaction by sharing your ideas with others and others sharing their ideas with you. You can comment to share your opinion, ask questions, share ideas, offer help with something, and many other things. You can interact with many other bloggers creating a community that you can communicate with and gain knowledge based on other bloggers' experiences. 
       Cool Cat Teacher Blog said you should write a meaningful comment each time you comment on someone's blog. I totally agree with this! I believe that each time you comment on something you should really mean it. I know I personally do not like getting one word replies to anything. Just like Cool Cat Teacher said, "if you don't care... don't comment". I also like how The Blue Skunk Blog says, "I've always thought it is polite to say thanks to the commenter when possible. This is not a universally practices-or endorsed-practice. Somehow, I just think if a person has given up a chunk of life to read and craft a response, I should be grateful." I also really like the point this blogger makes. I think it is very important to be thankful for your readers and the people who comment on your blog. What would your blog be without them? 

     The five blogs that I chose from our group are Rittenberry's 23 Things, 23 Things-M.Blair, M Donahue's 23 Things, Technology and Teaching with Mrs.Crouch, and Ava's 23 Things at 32. I chose these blogs because I thought they were each interesting in some way. I thought they all brought up good points and ideas in their posts. I also liked the appearance of their blog. The other two blogs outside of our group that I chose are elementary teacher blog and Teaching is Elementary. I chose these two blogs from outside our group because they both looked appealing to me. They both contain useful information that I could use in the classroom one day. They are also both based on real teacher experiences. 

      The comments that I chose to make definitely meant something to me. I was honest, and it was something that I also cared enough about to comment on. I made my comments because I felt that a certain post reached out to me and pulled me in. Therefore, I felt that it was my job to comment and tell the other blogger how I feel and my opinions and/or personal experiences on that particular post. In the end, my knowledge and opinions may help another person out.



  1. Yes, one word replies are somewhat pointless. Bloggers enjoy reading feedback to know in which direction they should take their blog. If several positive comments are made pertaining to a certain topic the blogger may write more on the topic because of all the positive feedback received. You're knowledge and opinions may definitely help another person.
    Great Post!

    1. Thank you very much! I'm glad you agree and find my post beneficial to you! :)

  2. I agree, one word comments don't motivate us enough to help us continue with our blog. It helps when we have several positive comments...even one positive comment will give us encouragement to continue to blog.

    1. I am really glad you agree! It definitely makes you feel good when people leave you positive comments. It is probably the best encouragement you can get! :)
